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Content Pages


Create custom content for your shop, using our suite of promotional and site enhancing tools. To learn more please check out the customisation available below:

Each page can be customised using our editing tools such as our WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editor for our users to create content pages quicker and easier than ever!
It's not just for text, this editor has plenty of features in it's toolbox:

Your basics

  1. Format Text
  2. Add Images
  3. Add Videos
  4. Add Tables

Drag and place content

Each block of content on the page can be dragged to a new location. Non-text based elements such as images and videos can be dragged by clicking in the centre of the element and dragging. For text elements you just click and hold.

Resizing images and videos

To resize an image or video, click and hold in any corner then drag to adjust the size as required. While you're resizing, the dimensions will be displayed in the top right hand corner of the element.


We know that there are some creative people that want to go beyond the tools made availble to them, so we have included a more user friendly  HTML editor.

If you absolutely need to change the content of an element at the HTML level, that's possible too. The properties dialog allows you to view the inner HTML code of the selected element and update it directly.

Get more info here

Its never been easier to add, edit and be creative with your content pages in Nettailer.